Und du mein Schatz fährst mit (1937)
Opera singer Maria Seydlitz has just left her fiancé because he put her between the choice of husband or profession when she receives a telegram from New York: an unknown person hires her for a large fee at the theater Maria accepts the offer... The film is based on the novel of the same name by Hans Rudolf Berndorff. The film was shot from July to September 1936 on the Neubabelsberg outdoor area and on the passenger ship "Bremen“. He experienced on the 15th. Its premiere in January 1937 in Berlin's Gloria-Palast.
Directed by Georg Jacoby
Written by Bobby E. Lüthge, Philipp Lothar Mayring
Marika Rökk
Sängerin Maria Seydlitz
Hans Söhnker
Dr.-Ing. Heinz Fritsch
Alfred Abel
Großindustrieller William Liners
Leopoldine Konstantin
Doña Juana de Villafranca
Oskar Sima
Revue-Regisseur Bal
Valy Arnheim
Paul Hoffmann
Fred Liners
Friedl Haerlin
Gloria Liners
Ernst Waldow
Erwin Rückel
Eduard Bornträger