My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Sunset's Backstage Pass (2019)
The Starswirled Music Festival is finally here, and the Mane 7 are going to get their 'glamping' on! Sunset and Pinkie are the most excited to see their favorite band perform but when Equestrian Magic causes a 'Groundhog Day' inspired time loop to start, Sunset gets stuck reliving 'Festival Day 1' forever!
Directed by Ishi Rudell, Katrina Hadley
Written by Whitney Ralls
Rebecca Shoichet
Sunset Shimmer (voice)
Andrea Libman
Pinkie Pie / Fluttershy / Bon Bon (voice)
Ashleigh Ball
Rainbow Dash / Applejack / Lyra Heartstrings (voice)
Tara Strong
Twilight Sparkle / Princess Twilight Sparkle (voice)
Tabitha St. Germain
Rarity / Announcer (voice)
Lili Beaudoin
Kiwi Lollipop (K-Lo) (voice)
Mariee Devereux
Supernova Zap (Su-Z) (voice)
Kazumi Evans
Adagio Dazzle (voice)
Diana Kaarina
Aria Blaze (voice)
Maryke Hendrikse
Sonata Dusk (voice)